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Wagtails Dog Grooming
Account Management System

Terms & Conditions

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 Animal Health

Please ensure your pet is in good health when they come for their groom. This is important both for your dog and for the health of our other clients.

If they have any ailments, please call, and discuss the situation prior to their appointment.

Note: I may have to postpone your appointment if your dog appears to be in poor health and will suggest you seek veterinary advice. I will endeavour to accommodate a re-booking once they have fully recovered.

Dogs on heat or pregnant

If your dog is on heat, please reschedule your appointment as grooming may promote infection and alter the dogs temperament.

Pregnant bitches will not be groomed during gestation or until after the puppies are weaned, this is for both the mothers and her pups safety.

Issues found during grooming process
You will be informed of any issues found during your dogs grooming, for example, new lumps, bumps etc.

 Matted Dogs

If your dog has matted fur, it will require a clip off (often very short). I will not try and brush out severe matting as it wouldn’t be ethical and will cause pain to the animal.

An additional cost will be added to your full groom price (starting from £10), as matted fur damages grooming equipment.

Please be aware that if your dog has to be clipped short due to matting this can cause skin irritation and in rare circumstances haematomas. This is not the responsibility of the groomer.

 Fleas and Parasites

Please do not bring your dog for grooming if it has fleas or parasites. If fleas are discovered on your dog an additional charge of £10 will be added to the grooming fee to cover the cost of fumigating the salon.


No Shows

If you do not turn up for your scheduled booking and fail to notify me that you won’t be attending, you will be charged 50% of your missed appointment fee.

Payable before rebooking


If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to your appointment you will be charged 50% of your appointment fee, as it is unlikely your slot can be filled due to the lack of notice.

Payable before rebooking

Running Late

If you find yourself running behind schedule, please call and let me know as soon as possible. Provided you let me know and you are not going to be longer than 15 minutes late the groom will hopefully be able to proceed, any longer and you will have to reschedule.

If in the event you are more than 15 minutes late your appointment will be cancelled, and you will be charged 50% of your missed appointment fee Payable before rebooking


Please ensure your dog has been toileted prior to their grooming session.

Opening Times

09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00

Contact Wagtails

 01206 805733

I may be grooming another customers dog when you call. If so, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Find us on  Google Maps
10 Pampas Close

Payment Methods

Credit Card Logos
and also, Cash or Bank Transfer (Card Payment preferred)