Wagtails Grooming Dog Logo
Wagtails Dog Grooming
Account Management System

Privacy Policy


When you interact with this website (wagtailsgrooming.co.uk), data is exchanged between your browser and this website. This page aims to inform you of what that data is and how it is used.

  • When you connect to this site, your browser automatically sends some information to us, such as your computers IP address, which type of internet browser you are using and so forth. This is not unique to wagtailsgrooming.co.uk, your browser will send this data to any site you visit.
  • This site uses a minimal number of cookies. You can choose to block these cookies in your browser but doing so may cause this site to work incorrectly or not at all.

This site (wagtailsgrooming.co.uk) uses a minimal number of cookies to manage navigation and access to its contents. They are not used for any other purposes such as marketing or advertising.

On first visiting this site, and maybe on a future visit (if you are not a regular user of this site) you will have been asked to accept and agree to the use of cookies.

If you wish to block the cookies in your browser, feel free to do so, but your use of the site may fail or be degraded as a result.

If you should wish to block cookies from wagtailsgrooming.co.uk, the ones this site creates are

Cookie Name Cookie Type Description
wagtailsgrooming Session This is used to manage navigation and access to sections of the site.
wagtailsgrooming_accepted Persistent Set when you agree to the use of cookies. It expires after a month, hence why you will be prompted to accept cookies again if you return after a month.
Information your browser sends to us

Your browser sends us some information automatically. For example, the IP address of your computer or the device from which you are accessing this site, the type of browser you are using and other such information about your device.

The sending of data by your browser isn’t something unique to this site (wagtailsgrooming.co.uk), the sending of this information occurs between your browser and every site you visit.

Recording of Data

Other than the two cookies mentioned above, this site (wagtailsgrooming.co.uk) does not actively record any data about you.

The webserver on which this site runs will record information sent automatically by your browser such as your IP address and browser type in its logs. Use of such logs is common practice across most (if not all) website hosting platforms and is only used to diagnose technical issues and prevent malicious activity.

It is not used to track or identify you, or for any non-website specific activity such as marketing.

Further Information

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us using the contact details on the home page of this site.

Opening Times

09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00

Contact Wagtails

 01206 805733

I may be grooming another customers dog when you call. If so, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Find us on  Google Maps
10 Pampas Close

Payment Methods

Credit Card Logos
and also, Cash or Bank Transfer (Card Payment preferred)